Here I Go Again on My Own on Harmonica

"Here I Go Again On My Own"
Santa Carolina Island.jpg
Season Survivor: Santa Carolina - The Returned
Author User:Gavin316
Episode Number 2/13
Episode Chronology
Previous The Survivor Gods Must Hate Me
Next Ah The Joy Of Being Here On Solar day Seven!

This is the second episode of Survivor: Santa Carolina - The Returned


  • 1 Challenges
  • two Story
    • 2.1 Dark iii
    • 2.ii Mean solar day four
    • 2.iii Solar day five
    • 2.4 Twenty-four hours 6
  • 3 Tribal Quango
    • 3.ane Voting Confessionals
    • iii.2 Last Words
    • iii.3 All the same in the Running
  • 4 Author's Notes


Reward/Immunity Challenge: Air Raid
At the start of the challenge, tribes must race up a belfry and through a series of obstacles. In one case all tribe members have made it to the top of the tower, they will each take turns launching sandbags with a behemothic slingshot, attempting to striking targets out in a field. The first 2 tribes to hitting all half-dozen targets would win.
Reward: A kit total of fishing gear for the first identify tribe and a line-fishing spear for the second place tribe.
Winners: Tete & Nampula


Night three

The Tete Tribe returns to military camp after having just voted Billie-Jean out. Wild Bill, Enrico, Vanessa, and Martha get and sit down in the shelter while Simon stands staring at the basis. We then get a night vision confessional from Simon.

SimonReturned.jpg That vote was very disappointing. My whole Survivor experience can be summed up by that eighties vocal. Here I go again on my own. I think that probably best explains my time playing Survivor. I am always the depression guy on the totem pole…always the outcast.

But I am non about to throw in the towel yet. I was in the position last fourth dimension and I made it to the final iii…so I am just going to do what I can to stay another three days and keeping on going from at that place.


Day 4

We begin day four at the Tete Tribe. Simon is staring out at the bounding main lost in his thoughts when Vanessa approaches him and asks him if they tin can talk. Simon obliges and the two of them sit down on the beach and brainstorm to talk.

Vanessa: I desire to talk virtually concluding night's vote if you don't mind.

Simon: Okay…

Vanessa: Terminal dark's vote was not a vote to outcast you lot or alienate you in any way. At least it wasn't on my part.

Last dark'south vote was simply meant to go rid of Billie-Jean because I had a feeling that she would not be the most loyal person to go along around.

Simon: Billie-Jean is very loyal…especially to those who show loyalty to her. I think if you would accept gotten to know her, you would have liked her.

Vanessa: That may very well be the example but what'southward done is done. There is no turning back from what I did last night.

I simply want you to know that going forward I would like to possibly work with y'all. After all you are probably the most sane and trustworthy person on this tribe.

I wouldn't trust Pecker or Enrico as far as I tin can throw them. Especially Enrico, because I saw immediate how he played the game last time and I know he would sell me down the river in a heartbeat.

As for Martha…well you saw her special kind of craziness yesterday. That chick is bananas with a capital B.

I empathize that you might have a hard fourth dimension trusting me after voting out your friend but I retrieve you and I can complement each other'south game and you and I could terminate upward going very deep in this game. Just call up over what I am don't have to give me a firm yeah or no right now only I really think this is a good idea.

SimonReturned.jpg I have to acknowledge to be taken aback by Vanessa's offer. She only threw me a huge lifeline and I would be a fool not to work with her. I recollect she is sincere but one never really knows if someone is telling the truth out hither or if they are just trying to tell y'all what they call up yous want to hear.
VanessaReturned.jpg Oh I was being completely honest with Simon. I totally want to work with him and that was one of the driving forces backside me getting Billie-Jean out of the game. I want to be his closest ally in this game and if Billie-Jean were around I could never be his closest ally.

Over at the Nampula Tribe, Craig and Lauren tend to the campfire while the other members of the tribe go about doing other duties. Lauren looks around for a moment in order to make certain that Jody and Jocelyn are not within earshot before she begins talking to Craig.

Lauren: I just want to give you and the other guys a heads upwards. I think the three of you are hanging around each other also much because Jody and Jocelyn are already talking about forming an all-women'southward alliance.

Craig: Damn I kind of figured something was upwards with Jody. She has not said much to me since we've been out here. Granted I just chalked information technology upwardly to her giving me the cold shoulder due to our by…but this…well this only sucks.

The last thing I want is to accept this tribe divided…especially if this divide is gender based.

Lauren: I agree and that's why I am telling you lot. I know you and Jody had a conversation about working together but if I were you I would honestly not trust her. She seems to desire yous out of this game desperately.

Craig: Wow that's…uh…very disappointing. Information technology is likewise kind of shortsighted on her part. What if we lose the beginning challenge and we all vote co-ordinate to our gender?

It would be a tie and and so what? That is but stupid and reckless.

Lauren: Well y'all know her better than I do. Do you lot call up she would be that pigheaded?

Craig: Sadly I practise remember she would be that pigheaded…

Lauren: Well you don't have to worry because the last thing I want is a tie in any vote we may have. If that means we accept to get rid of her…so be it.

CraigReturned.jpg I appreciate Lauren giving me the information only I have everything that Lauren says with a grain of table salt. Lauren was a notorious pot stirrer during her flavour and and then I am not going to care for her word as gospel. But I volition exist cautious out my interaction with the other guys merely to be on the rubber side.

It is at present time for Carly to requite us a day for rundown of the Zambezia Tribe.

CarlyReturned.jpg So far this game has been tough for me, not so much the survival aspect of it but the social aspect of it. I hateful John and I have spent the past iii days just hanging out with one another. Information technology is nice because I like and respect John only for the most part he is the simply person who bothers to talk to me for any length of time.

As for the rest of the tribe…well Vera and I have talked a trivial bit hither and there just nosotros have notwithstanding to have a conversation where we bond over life experiences. Hank…well Hank seems to be a scrap of a loner out hither. I mean he will talk to me if I approach him but he never says much.

Then you accept Mister and Misses Zambezia Aaron and Jillian. The two of them seem to have a wall up when it comes to talking to me. I've tried to become to know them and they inappreciably even acknowledge me. Information technology is frustrating considering I thought with me be closer to the two of them in age they might be more open to getting to know me. Instead they would rather cuddle in the shelter or do whatever it is they like to do.

This is sucks…


Day 5

Day five begins with a confessional from Wild Bill.

WildBillReturned.jpg I've been a good male child thus far out here. I oasis't messed with anyone; I've been kind of mute…so when I woke up early this morning I decided to have a lilliputian fun. I went back to my quondam bag of tricks from the Dominican Commonwealth.
Wild Bill

Wild Bill gets out of the shelter and begins singing, off key I might add, some made upwards vocal. The other castaways in the shelter are clearly non pleased by this turn of events as the lord's day is just starting to come up up which means that it is conspicuously very early in the morning.

After a few minutes of Nib…"singing" an overly annoyed Martha tells Bill to shut upwards and go back to sleep. This thrills Wild Pecker to no stop because he knows he has someone who volition engage him in an argument and that is exactly what he wants. So instead of complying with Martha's demands he just sings louder.

A fed up Martha gets out of the shelter and confronts Wild Bill. She says that she asked him nicely to finish singing and at present she demands that he stops singing. Wild Bill laughs and says he is an adult and he will non exist told what to do. He continues proverb that the morning is the best fourth dimension to warmup his song cords and and so he is going to sing every morning. Martha, who is seething with anger, has no reply to what Wild Bill just said. She tells him to continue it down or go somewhere else to sing because people are trying to sleep. Wild Beak laughs and says that he is fine right where he is. Martha heads dorsum into the shelter muttering to herself while Wild Pecker continues to sing.

MarthaReturned.jpg Leopards don't alter his stripes. I knew that to exist true but I decided to listen to Enrico and become rid of Billie-Jean. Had I done the smart thing I would've voted out Wild Bill because I can't stand his annoying ass.
EnricoReturned.jpg I truly do not understand Pecker'southward mindset. I mean who purposely alienates his tribe just for his own personal amusement? Doesn't this guy know the angrier he makes us the less likely he is to stay in this game?

Over at the Nampula Tribe the guys of the Nampula Tribe (George, Hector, and Craig) are having a chat about what Lauren told Craig.

Craig: Hey guys I want y'all to know that we tin can't be seen hanging effectually all of the fourth dimension. We have to put in an effort to get to know the women.

I say this considering Lauren told me that Jody and Jocelyn are suspicious of u.s. being an unbreakable trio and because of that Jody is trying to get the women together.

George: That's absurd. I hateful none of u.s. have even really talked game yet. Let alone formed any alliances.

Do you call back Lauren is just screwing with you? I mean she is the blazon of person that likes to crusade havoc.

Craig: I thought about that but she seems truly sincere virtually what she was saying. She told me not to worry because she would not join an all-female alliance anyway so even if Jocelyn and Jody were to get together they would non take her vote.

Hector: Do you think we should hold some sort of tribe meeting and clear the air. After all, the last thing I want is conflict and mistrust on this tribe. I had plenty of that in the Dominican Democracy and I know what that kind of toxicity can do to a tribe.

Craig: Nah man, I remember the best thing to exercise right now is to keep this nether wraps. We should accost this simply if we lose a challenge. Until then we merely have to go out and mingle with the women.

Hector: Hey man, I'chiliad a married man. My days of mingling with women are far behind me…

Craig: Yous and me both but sometimes fellas we've got to have one for the team…or I guess the tribe in this case.

CraigReturned.jpg I find information technology a niggling funny that Jody was so concerned about a guy'south alliance when there was none. However, her paranoia about there beingness one might take but lead to us forming one. I think it volition be interesting to see how this plays out.

Aaron gives the states a very cocky confessional over at Zambezia Tribe.

AaronReturned.jpg This team might be horrible only I think I've got it made over here. Look, nobody would even consider getting rid of me considering I am the only young stud on this team.

If this tribe got rid of me do you lot think they could rely on the likes of John and Hank to keep them in this game? I remember not.

Right at present I am not overplaying like I did the concluding time. I am not going to try to form a large alliance or annihilation like that. I accept Jillian on my side and Vera seems intent on working with me then every bit you tin can see I'grand good out here. I am all set…this tribe was fabricated for me to be its star and that is exactly what I'm going to do…shine babe.


John and Hank bond over the fact that they are both very religious men. John tells Hank that he hopes this game will not compromise his core values. Hank says that there are times that John'southward values volition probably exist tested merely John knows who he is and knows what he has to do. Hank says he has faith that John will practise the right affair no matter how many times he is tested.

HankReturned.jpg Information technology's great to have another man of organized religion out here babe. This game is going to test united states and I am glad that I'll have John to turn to if I have any problems.

Then far John is the but person I get along with on this tribe so I promise he and I stick around for a while.


Day half dozen

Amnesty/Reward Challenge:

The Zambezia Tribe and the Nampula Tribe arrive at the challenge site. Once those two tribes are settled on their respective mats, Jeff welcomes in the Tete Tribe who voted out Billie-Jean at the first Tribal Council. George looks disappointed over this news. Once the members of the Tete Tribe are settled on their mat Jeff goes over the rules for the challenge.

Once Jeff is done going over the rules of the challenge he reveals what the reward for this claiming is going to exist. Besides Immunity the first identify tribe will receive a kit total of line-fishing gear, while the second place tribe will also receive Immunity and their advantage volition be a line-fishing spear.

Jeff and then reminds the iii tribes that the losing tribe will have a date with him at Tribal Council where one member of the losing tribe will become the second contestant to be voted out of Survivor: Santa Carolina.

Both the Zambezia Tribe and the Nampula Tribe have an extra member so they must sit someone out. The 2 tribes talk it over and it is Vera who will sit out for the Zambezia Tribe and Jocelyn for the Nampula Tribe.

The Nampula Tribe are in the atomic number 82 right out of the gate as all of their members make quick work out of the wooden ladder that serves equally the showtime obstacle in this challenge. The Zambezia Tribe, who are in second place, looks to exist doing good until Jillian struggles trying to climb the ladder. The Tete Tribe surges past the Zambezia Tribe as Jillian continues to struggle on the ladder.

The Nampula Tribe continues their dominance in the challenge as they are the first tribe to cease the next obstacle which is to climb upward a cargo internet. The Tete Tribe is closing in on them though as they quickly get their members up the cargo internet. The Zambezia Tribe is all about out of the race to the top of the belfry thanks in big part to Jillian's struggle on the ladder.

The final obstacle would seem like it was non really an obstruction but having gone through two grueling obstacles already the tertiary obstacle is tough. The tribes take to climb a stairway that has l stairs in it. By this bespeak fatigue has get a factor for both the Tete Tribe and the Nampula Tribe equally both tribes seem a piddling sluggish while climbing upwards the stairs. Realizing that getting up the stairs could be a bully equalizer, Aaron encourages his team to hustle upward the cargo net and so that they can brand up time on the other two tribes. The Zamezia Tribe seems to positively react to Aaron's encouragement as they speedily brand their mode up the cargo internet and they and so make the collective climb up the stairs.

The Tete Tribe is the first tribe to make it to the top of the tower. Wild Bill is the first to attempt to launch a sandbag for his tribe and he misses. He yells out a curse word as the Nampula Tribe joins the Tete Tribe in the last phase of the challenge. Jody is the kickoff member of the Nampula Tribe to requite it a go and she nails her target correct away. Martha is up next for the Tete Tribe and she nails a target as well. When she goes back to bring together the rest of her tribe she looks at Wild Bill every bit if to say, "See how easy that was?" Bill but shakes his head.

The Zambezia Tribe finally joins the political party and Aaron is the start person to target shoot for his tribe. He hits his target which means all iii tribes are tied at one target apiece. The Zambezia Tribe actually pulls alee as John nails the second target for his tribe. The Tete Tribe quickly ties it upward after Simon knocks downward a target for his tribe.

The members of the Nampula Tribe begin to look similar they are panicking because none of them seem really good at this challenge. They watch as the other two tribes begin to knock down target later target while they are unable to hit their 2nd target. It shortly gets to the bespeak where the Tete Tribe has only 1 target left and the Zambezia Tribe has 3 left.

Craig tells his teammates that, "It own't over till it's over." Shortly after making that comment Vanessa hits the concluding Tete Tribal target which means that the Tete Tribe is the get-go tribe to win Immunity! Every bit the members of the Tete Tribe celebrate a difficult fought victory, the members of the Zambezia Tribe begin to hitting a rough patch every bit nobody on their tribe looks like they can hit the broadside of a befouled.

This struggle seems to motivate the members of the Nampula Tribe and they begin knocking down their targets left and right and soon it is the Nampula Tribe who is in the pb having just two targets left to the Zambezia Tribe's three. Aaron is able to force a necktie as he knocks down a target for his tribe.

Both teams seem very hurried and panicked due to the necktie in the claiming. The Nampula Tribe breaks the deadlock when Craig hits a target. George wins the Nampula Tribe the Immunity every bit he knocks down his tribe's final target!

Jeff congratulates the ii winning tribes. He then hands i Immunity Idol over to Martha and the other Immunity Idol over to George. He and so informs members of the Zambezia Tribe that they will be heading to Tribal Council tonight where one of their members will get the second person to exist voted out of Survivor: Santa Carolina – The Returned.

We get a voiceover confessional from Aaron as nosotros see his tribe head back to camp.

AaronReturned.jpg This was a tough loss…no doubt about that. We should have had this i in the bag…I'grand really not sure what went incorrect. I guess the silver lining to losing is that nosotros become to remove some of the dead weight from this tribe tonight.

The Zambezia Tribe returns to camp after just having lost the Immunity Challenge. Jillian apologizes to her tribe for being so slow while climbing up the ladder. Aaron is quick to point out that, that was non the cause for them losing the challenge and that it was the tribe as a whole who lost the challenge. Aaron and Jillian and so non so subtly walk out of military camp together to discuss their plans. John jokingly asks if Hank if Hank thinks Jillian and Aaron are working together and Hank laughs and says he is not sure.

Carly uses this fourth dimension to ask John, Hank, and Vera if they would exist willing to become rid of Jillian. Both John and Vera seem very unsure of this move. John points out that if they make that motion it could alienate Aaron. Carly says that she does not intendance because Aaron would non exist able to exercise anything in retaliation considering he would be in the minority. Hank for his part seems all for information technology and says that Jillian does not live up to her own personal hype athletically speaking.

Vera tells the other three that she volition take to think almost information technology and she then makes upward an alibi to leave campsite so that she tin tell Aaron and Jillian what is going on. Carly says that Vera is running to tell her masters the programme. John says that if Hank and Carly are on lath with getting rid of Jillian he volition vote that manner besides but he would rather run into the cocky Aaron get. Hank says that right now with the tribe being so small they cannot chance voting someone similar Aaron out. Carly agrees with Hank and says that Jillian is the ameliorate selection considering she is not as important to the tribe as Aaron is.

CarlyReturned.jpg I find Jillian annoying. First off she hardly ever talks to me and when she does she normally just boasts about how great of an athlete she is. I would love nothing more than to see her gone from this game.

Meanwhile, Jillian and Aaron are busy plotting the demise of John when Vera finds them and tells about Carly's plan to go rid of Jillian. Aaron and Jillian seem a little shocked over this because they both thought that Aaron would be the target. After a brief discussion Aaron, Jillian, and Vera decide that information technology is within their all-time interests to get rid of Carly. Jillian says that is a little nervous considering there could end up being a necktie in the vote and Aaron says that they will have to endeavour and work on either Hank or John to flip. Vera says that the guys seem to be willing to do any Carly tells them to do. Jillian smiles and says that she has a plan to alter their (Hank and John) minds.

Later on on in the twenty-four hour period Aaron asks John and Hank if they can talk. The three men leave campsite, leaving the three women in the shelter. Aaron tells the guys he is nervous about the vote and says that the last thing he wants for there to exist a necktie in the votes. Hank says that is a gamble that might take to be taken and Aaron says it does not take to be like that. Aaron assures the guys that Carly is his target and that the guys take nothing to worry virtually.

John says that he is non willing to vote against Carly because Carly was the only one who stood upwardly for him during their previous season. Aaron says that Hank and John do not have to vote for Carly they could throw their votes at him or Vera. That way there is no tie in the votes and Carly will non be biting over having her allies vote her out.

AaronReturned.jpg Hank and John are so damn stupid. I am all but telling them that they have zilch to worry about and they are not the targets. Yet due to some misguided loyalty towards Carly neither guy wants to do the right thing and avoid forcing the necktie. I just don't get their mindset…

The 3 women of the Zambezia Tribe are chatting about the vote back at the campsite proper.

Jillian asks Carly hypothetically who she would vote out between John and Hank. Carly says that she is not going to annotate on this because she does not want it used against her. Jillian assures Carly that whatsoever Carly says to her and Vera volition remain completely confidential. Carly stills balks at saying anything to Jillian.

Carly asks Jillian why Jillian all of a sudden is interested in talking game with her (Carly) when she (Jillian) has been almost completely ignoring Carly for virtually of the game. Jillian says that information technology is now fourth dimension to get down to the nitty gritty and vote someone out and so she was trying to see where Carly's head was at in regards to the vote. Carly laughs and tells Jillian that she (Carly) is not nigh to give her (Jillian) any armament to employ against her (Carly).

Jillian tells Carly that she should cease being overly paranoid, particularly when someone is trying to help her out and throw her a lifeline. Carly laughs and turns to Vera and says…

Carly: Vera if someone who has said mayhap a paragraph worth of words to you over the course of iii days of a sudden decides they want your input how would you lot react?

Vera shrugs her shoulders and says she would rather not get into the middle of this word. Carly tells Vera and Jillian that the chat is over with and she walks abroad.

CarlyReturned.jpg Jillian thinks she is trying to be slick but I see right through her. She is trying to get me to slip up…to requite her something to use against me and I am only not going to take her bait. I might take been built-in at night Jillian but it was non last night.
JillianReturned.jpg Carly is a very savvy player…there is no doubt about that. She knew exactly what I was trying to do and she would not play forth. This is exactly why she has to get considering she cannot exist controlled and that makes her a huge threat to my game.

Tribal Council:

Jeff Probst welcomes the castaways to Tribal Council. Jeff and then gives his usual spiel nearly the torches and how burn life in the game. Jeff so waits for the castaways to light their torches and get settled into their seats before he asks the first question.

Jeff asks Vera what it is similar to exist on a tribe that consists of people who take never made it past day vi in the game. Vera laughs and says it is strange just she thinks that this tribe will do well because they all want to evidence that they tin can do ameliorate than they did during their first outing.

Jeff turns to Aaron and asks him if he has a chip on his shoulder considering he was voted out get-go on his season. Aaron says that there is a huge chip on his shoulder because he feels like he did not get a shot to play the game final time. He says that he is already in uncharted territory because he concluding only 2 days during his starting time flavor and then this is a whole new feel for him.

Jeff asks John how much the size of the tribe will factor in on the vote tonight. John says that the size of the tribe is going to be a major gene on how the tribe is going to vote. John continues by saying with such a small tribe there is very little margin for fault when getting rid of someone.

Carly interjects and says she agrees with John and that is why she thinks the tribe is all-time served past getting rid of people who underperform during the challenges. Carly says 1 poor performance during a claiming could end upward being devastating to a small-scale tribe because it forces them to go to Tribal Council which means they have to cull someone from the tribe.

Jillian rolls her optics over Carly's comment which Jeff immediately picks up on. He asks Jillian if she disagrees with what Carly is maxim. Jillian says that while she gets Carly's standpoint she does not like Carly's standpoint considering she clearly wants to vote out Jillian. Jillian does freely admit that she has non performed also as she would accept liked to in challenges but she is a good athlete and she will go better.

Jillian then says that she thinks that this vote should exist virtually getting rid of people who are non team players. Players who have their ain agendas and are willing to do annihilation they can to push those agendas on the other members of the tribe.

Carly laughs and says that if the tribe was going by what Jillian only said then both Jillian and Aaron would be the first ii targets because that is all they have been trying to practice is strength their calendar on others.

Jeff asks Hank if he has anything to add and Hank smiles and says…

Hank: I ain't got nil to add my chief human. Let's just get this party started!

With that last annotate it is time to vote.

The members of the Zambezia Tribe get up to vote and after the last person votes, which was Vera, Jeff goes off to recall the votes. Jeff returns from tallying the votes and he asks if anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol that they would like to play. When nobody steps forward Jeff gain to read the votes.

One time all of the votes are read it is Carly who ends upward receiving the bulk of the votes. This means that Carly is the 2nd person to exist voted out of Survivor: Santa Carolina – The Returned.

Tribal Council

Tribal Council 2:
Carly (3 votes)

JillianReturned.jpg AaronReturned.jpg VeraReturned.jpg
Jillian, Aaron, Vera

Jillian (2 votes)
CarlyReturned.jpg JohnReturned.jpg
Carly, John
Aaron (1 vote)

Voting Confessionals

CarlyReturned.jpg You lot are super annoying dude.
JillianReturned.jpg You are as well smart for your ain good.
HankReturned.jpg I wanted to vote with John and Carly but I don't want to chance going to rocks. You said I could vote for you and so that's what I'm doing baby.
AaronReturned.jpg Hopefully this is the get-go vote of many where I dictate who is going home.
JohnReturned.jpg I accept nothing bad to say well-nigh you. And so again I have zero good to say about y'all either.
VeraReturned.jpg I think you are a sugariness, smart young woman and I would have loved to work with you. I just feel at this time that Aaron and Jillian are stronger allies than you and John.

Last Words

CarlyReturned.jpg There is no denying that this stinks. If I had to guess, I would say that Hank got cold feet and did not want to force a tie and honestly I tin can't arraign him.

What sucks is this is the exact same spot I went out last time. I guess I was not made for this game...


Still in the Running

Wild Bill


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